More teams have filed into Unalakleet checkpoint. Brett Bruggeman has been joined by Kristi Berington, Anna Berington and Seth Barnes. These mushers were in complete agreement on one thing – the trail from Kaltag was SLOW! The Bergintons who talk thing over in the fashion of two heads are better than one, even stopped many miles back to change runner plastic. The result, they said, was unimpressive, not worth the effort!

Brett Bruggeman is making his second trip to Nome. Brett is from Great Falls, Montana where he practices dentistry. Brett’s son, Spencer, has a birth defect which caused one leg to not develop muscles. Spencer played regular sports until age 11 then began to look for sports that didn’t require both legs. Spencer learned of musher through Jack London books and decide mushing would work for him. At the same time, Brett was thinking he’d like to try mushing. Neither knew the other was thinking about running dogs. Soon after, Skinny Leg Sled Dogs became a reality for the Bruggemans. Brett has had many mentors over the years including Terry and Chris Adkins, Doug Swingley and Jessie Royer. Spencer stood on the runners of Brett’s sled appraoching the start line of the restart.

The Beringtons came out of the grayness that has Unalakleet socked in with Anna in the lead. They parked in the checkpoint, Anna next the berm and Kristi next to the hill. They chatted back and forth about what to snack their dogs. Immediately upon setting the snow hook, they handed each athlete a big turkey drumstick. That’s the preferred snack reward after running. They were also mixing up kibble and other meat topped off with a protein and nutrient powder.

The checker collected both of their signatures. The twins commented that because they weren’t standing on the runners hoping their snow hook would hold, their signatures might be legible. So often as they are signing the first couple of letters are clear but the rest of the name ends up being a straight line as they are being swept toward a parking spot by a not quite ready to stop team.

Seth Barnes followed the Beringtons into Unalakleet and also took a parking spot. Seth went immediately to cooking for his dogs. Barnes ran his rookie Iditarod in 2015 and completed his second race in 2017. Seth calls Willow, Alaska home. He’s an adventurer by trade and his hobbies are out doors and adventure.