Family is a musher’s biggest support on and off the trail

No musher could get through this race without the support of their friends and family. I had a chance to talk to Blair Braverman’s mom this morning right after Blair crossed the finish line, and her mom told me she was so proud of Blair with tears in her eyes as she watched Blair go through her team thanking each one of her dogs. Blair’s husband, Quince, was right there snacking the dogs as soon as she crossed the finish line, an her parents were cheering and holding a sign made by one of Blair’s fans.


I know I definitely wouldn’t have made it through the race without the support of my parents, and I was very glad they made it to the finish line to see me last year – they almost missed it because I was so fast getting to Nome from White Mountain! And it’s so nice to have their help taking care of your team after you finish – it’s really weird, because you’ve been caring for your team entirely by yourself for the past two weeks and now you have help, but it’s nice to have that help after you finish.


Huge congrats to Blair, just four mushers left on the trail now, making their way to Nome!

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