Iditarod to postpone events in Nome

In consultation with the chief medical officer for the State of Alaska and recommendations put forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization in response to COVID-19, the Iditarod has decided to postpone both the Meet the Mushers event on March 21 and its Awards Banquet on March 22 in Nome. This decision was made in the best interest of public health. All other elements of the race are continuing as planned; however, they will be limited to essential race personnel. 

The Iditarod will continue to monitor and make adjustments as needed and encourages everyone to follow the guidelines and protocols put forth by public health officials.

Update March, 13:

The Iditarod continues to engage with the State of Alaska’s chief medical officer in order to ensure we are deploying best preventative practices including pre-flight screenings for staff and hyper diligence with regard to personal hygiene and disinfection of surfaces. Moreover, the Iditarod has pared down its staff to essential personnel limited to veterinarians, logistics, communications and necessary dog handlers.

The Iditarod fully appreciates and is humbled by the passion and social energy of the Iditarod nation; however, we are asking you to not make any nonessential travel to the Nome finish, in particular, those who are traveling from outside of Alaska. We hope you will be able to attend our finishers banquet and will notify you when rescheduled.

The Iditarod has some of the best fans in the world, and we thank you for your support.

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