Copyright (C) Jeff Schultz/SchultzPhoto.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Jeff Schultz has been the Official Iditarod Photographer for years and years and more years. Over the past couple of races he’s shifted his focus (pun intended) from the active race photos that he’s so famous for to capturing photos of the people who are the race and the dogs who are the racers. His work is called Faces of Iditarod and it’s available for all to view on the Iditarod front page right hand sidebar.
Jeff is on the trail working his Faces of Iditarod project again this year but old habits are hard to break. He’s also capturing a few great race scenes. With his permission, I’ll be sharing some of his photos from the trail as they become available in special posts called Schultz Eye View. His photos are worth a MILLION words. Thank you Jeff for your work and your willingness to share your images through Eye on the Trail.

Copyright (C) Jeff Schultz/SchultzPhoto.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Jeff has produced several books sharing his Iditarod photos, stories and experiences. Recently he and Iditarod Artist Jon Van Zyle have collaborated to combine Jeff’s photos and Jon painting. Jeff provides a photo and Jon adds his authentic trail artistic touch. Publications are available from Schultz Photo and prints are available from the Van Zyle studio.

Copyright (C) Jeff Schultz/SchultzPhoto.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED