Bible Camp is the place to be on Iditarod 43 right now. Lots of teams are parked outside in beautiful sunshine. During the run it was quite cold at times, close to 15 below. Now its about 0F here.
The trail has been soft and deep snow. The closer we got to Bible Camp, the more the mushers asked me while passing “ How much further is it?” I had no idea myself, but Tom Huntington’s trail report was pretty accurate. Almost 58 miles and we arrived.
Jessie Royer ran by time last night and is camped about 3 miles before. So are John Baker and Wade Marrs. Wade was sound asleep on his sled when I came by. I parked a mere 10 feet away, kept the machine running to snap a few shots and he did not budge! It is this time in the race where the need of sleep is catching up to mushers.
Paul Gebhardt pretty much pulled in at the same time as we did. Joar Ulsom was wondering how long he should stay. My response was: “ Everybody has their own team and you need to know what is best for them.”
Enjoy the shots from the middle of nowhere courtesy of Carol Huntington, who is the sister in law to our trail informant Tom Huntington! Thank you so much Carol and Tom! According to Tom it is 54 more miles from here to Galena.
Pete Kaiser is getting dressed up. It took him 7.40 to get here and he has been about 4.5 hrs here. I guess time to hook em up!
Happy trails