Jeff King 7th into Koyuk, Iditarod going South?

4 time Champion Jeff King is almost to Koyuk. The coast has not been kind to him during the last years. From his team shutting down on the way to UNK a few years ago, pretty much in the same spot where he pulled over yesterday, to his hard time near Safety last year, he has also lost quite a few places this year again from Kaltag on. Jeff has backed off this time. Smart move. He is after finishing well now, not in hard core race mode anymore. 


A little tidbit of information pointed out to me by Iditarod Musher Gerry Willomitzer. Iditarod has ” gone  South ” this year, South to Unalakleet that is, which is the southern most point on the 2015 race route. 


Meeting Jeff on the ice a few miles out of town, he wanted to know how much further it is to the checkpoint. We were about 3 miles out and visibility was too low to actually make out the shoreline and buildings. He seemed to sigh with relief when I told him that he only had 3 more miles to go. ” This run has been a beep – beep – beep ”  can’t repeat his exact words here.

Enjoy the shots:







