Morning action from RUBY

Many teams are arriving under a beautiful sunrise into Ruby. Hugh Neff watched Michelle Phillips’ team being parked: ” I won’t see her very long “, which in musher talks means, that she has a very nice looking team, and Hugh doubts that he can hang with Michelle. The checkpoint volunteer had a hard time staying ahead of her team loping up the steep hill past the church. 

Paul Gebhardt was followed closely by Ray Redington Jr. Ray’s team was barking to go. A very solid looking team. So was Pete Kaiser’s group of dogs, who was stacked up right behind Ray. With a mandatory gear check, checking in sometimes take a little longer here in Ruby. Luckily the approach is on a steep uphill, so it is easy to keep the team stopped. Pete’s 12 dogs tried dragging his sled forward inch by inch; he must be very pleased to have such an animated team at the banks of the Yukon River.

Time to head down the Yukon River. Catch up with Brent Sass on the trail and see if I can catch Aliy Zirkle before she arrives in Galena. With internet being relatively fast here, below is a whole group of pictures, enjoy: