Racing season is ON

The 2013-14 racing season is finally under way.  It has been a bit of a bumpy start in the Greatland in some regions, even Fairbanks, usually know for cold weather, was almost snow free until the first week of November and temperatures remained well above normal, often even above freezing. That meant training options were somewhat limited and mushers were forced to do the same circles riding their ATV`s over and over again. Yet others notably Jeff King, Brent Sass and Jake Berkowitz packed up dogs and gear and headed to places where snow could be found early, being either the Denali Highway or places north of Fairbanks. Other mushers like Richie Diehl completely relocated from the unseasonably warm Kuskokwim Delta to the road system to keep training on schedule


The first races of the season did not fare well and ended up being cancelled like the Alaska Excursions 120 or the Top of the World 350. But yesterday, the darkest day of the season, Solstice day, its all downhill from here, many dog trucks found their way to the Pleasant Valley Store in Two Rivers. A few Iditarod Mushers hail home in this area also.  While last year there were a meager 7 teams in the 100 Mile event and 3 teams showed up for the 50 miler, this year both races combined attracted 42 Mushers. An impressive number.IMG_3554


Iditarod  2014 also has an impressive number of sign ups. Notably there are 6 Scandinavian Teams signed up. And as history has shown, those are usually some very competitive teams. The trek across the big pond is not cheap, nor logistically easy, so it better be worth while. Some of those teams opt to train in their homeland like Iditarod Champion Robert Sorlie ( 2003, 2005 ) until short before Iditarod time. Others like Rookie Tommy Jordbrudal have come to Alaska early to train here. Tommy is based out of Salcha and was quick to note, how cold it is there. And real cold we have not seen much yet, each cold spell so far only lasted for a few days and was also rather mild with hardly hitting 40 below…. Rather mild for Interior Alaska standards that is.


Of course the first races are a warm up for most mushers, a testing ground for unproven dogs, a mere exposure to new teams or a fun way to let the dogs run on some new trails. But yet it is not surprising that some very familiar names come out on the top. 2012 and 2013 runner up Aliy Zirkle , who was 2nd at the half way stop 52 miles into the race edged out Yukon Quest Rookie Matt Hall, and her own partner Allen Moore. 1st and 3rd place is a nice showing for the local Sp Kennel. Jeff King who was leading the race coming into the gun range finished 4th place, but all of them only minutes apart.  Iditarod Rookie Abbie West drove her team to a 6th place finish where Dan Kaduce  2010, 21st place ) rounded out the Top 10.


Soon it will be time for the Knik 200 and Copper Basin 300 races, the next qualifying-training races. Both of them filled up within 24 hrs of signup opening and both of them have waiting lists.  5 Canadian Teams are signed up for Iditarod 2014 also. In the last days of signups Runner Up  2010 Hans Gatt filed his entry. Last talking to Hans sometime during the summer, he claimed “ he was done with it “ , I sure had to chuckle when I saw his name appear on the list. Historically comebacks for so called “ retired mushers “ have not been very kind, with both past champions Doug Swingley and Jeff King scratching the year after returning from retirement. Canadian Karen Ramstead running her beautiful team of pretty sled dogs is talking about this being her last treck to Nome. Time will tell. Never say never, I am learning that lesson all over myself, having found myself at the starting line of the first race of the season yesterday. I was sure glad it was only the 50 miler and I got to sleep in my own bed. As at this stage in distance mushing, it is the time for long runs, camping trips and putting miles on the dogs. And some put plenty of miles on, Jake Berkowitz stating he spend 26 days of 31 days on the Denali Highway and logging over 1100 miles. 


The count down is on…. Happy trails 
