A Look Around the Cripple Checkpoint

The cook shack is a popular place in Cripple. Matter of fact, calling it a shack is not the right word. That place is getting so fancy and decked out thanks to Jim Paulus and his crew who keep on working at this place every year. It’s come a long way from just a bunch of tents on the edge of a swamp. One could live in this cabin, and the new addition makes a huge difference. And they are putting on a feast for the mushers in the middle of nowhere.

At the same time a constant stream of supplies is being flown up and down the trail. Water, fuel and food has to be brought in, volunteers shuttled down the trail and trash has to be hauled out. Of course also the dropped dogs. Seeing a veterinarian walk a dog to the plane, I remembered that sweet face, RUGER, one of Aaron Burmeister’s dogs. I had the pleasure of running him in 2011. Ruger is one of Aaron’s main leaders, so he might not be to happy about dropping him.

Talking with Thomas Waerner who pooled his team with Robert Sorlie, Thomas mentioned that this is the first time that Robert is diverting from his schedule. No, he is not taking a longer break. Matter of fact, he is shaving in hour off his rest from 4 to 3 hrs. He feels his team is ready for that. They sure look like it!

Any minute Aliy Zirkle should arrive now!



new building material


cook shack, house…


Ruger being led to the plane


Idita Biker


Aaron Burmeister Team


John Baker Team


John Baker feeding


Droipped dog line


Nic Petit’s Team, eating like Alligators

IMG_4160Food, more food….