Aliy Zirkle Mushing Interview

It’s time to interview the musher for their pre-race Interviews. Aliy has just left the room. Cheerful as ever. Asked about her kennel, she mentioned how SP Kennels is in a transition phase, that last year most of their dogs were 9 years of age, and a very calm and seasoned team, that their team now is a bit more youthful. Crazy at times. Aliy feels that their team, 13 dogs, came looking very good off the Yukon Quest. Better than they have looked in the past and that this leaves quite a bit potential for this year’s Iditarod. She feels that it is mostly up to her, to get the most out of the dogs during the race. And dogs, Aliy kept on mentioning how this is all about the dogs. That there would be no race without the dogs and how important it is to do right by the dogs.