Around the Koyuk checkpoint, Brent Sass in 21st position

The evening light is tinting things in a nice light. Mushers a feeding, massaging and discussing strategy. Jessie has a few dogs with sore feet and Martin Buser came over to give his opinion on how to treat them. Mushers always work together. They are competitors second, friends first, specially when it comes to dog care.

I took Brent´s dad Mark A. Sass along for a ride on the ice to meet his son, who was Rookie of the year in 2012. Brent of course was ski poling along. We had to speed back to the checkpoint to make it in ahead of him

Here a few more pictures.


Martin Buser4V1A9522

The dodge lodge4V1A9523

Mark A Sass

Josh Cadzow4V1A9529

Jessie Royer4V1A9538

Cim Smyth4V1A9541

making parking spots4V1A9544

Tetsa out of Jessie Royers team4V1A9552

Paul Gebhardt4V1A9556

Airport ride


Brent out on the ice4V1A9567

Brent the ever hard worker4V1A9568And as always enjoying himself


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