It is always a big deal when the first team arrives in McGrath. It seems like the whole town turns up. Getting the checkpoint ready is logistics big time. Some TV stations broadcast live, the Insider als,o and then many, many teams will try to park here. That also involves kicking out any other traffic, including my snow machine. Only with this traffic control a smooth transit of the arriving teams can be assured.
Dallas Seavey announced that he is staying for a couple of hours. His team was barking to go. He had 11 dogs on the line, yet he checked in with 15 dogs. That means once again 4 dogs riding in the sled. It is outright amazing what he does with his team. They look like they just left the starting line in Willow. Not so long ago, I remember having near a mental breakdown, having to carry 2 dogs ( Battier and Bananas ) into McGrath. I thought my run was ruined. And here is Dallas with 4 dogs in the sled and still outrunning the competition. From the looks of it, he is still building his team.
Danny Seibert from Pen Air gave Dallas the Spirit of Alaska award. Dallas voiced his appreciation of the sponsorship. Danny mentioned as long as they have the Iditarod, he is happy to sponsor the event!
Here are some pictures: