Friday Iditarod Parties!

Friday is a day off for the mushers. No vet checks, no meetings, it is supposed to be time to get ready for the race. Aaron Peck took his team out for a short stretch run, making sure not too much energy is build up. The Tozier dog track gets busy with dog trucks and the nice sprint trails are full of slower running distance teams.


The morning was busy with an Insider Team meeting, getting all the equipment ready, discussing who will be stationed where during the race and who will use what equipment. Lots of logistics, just to keep the camera batteries running in the cold takes quite a bit…. Each camera team taking a whopping 9 sets of batteries.


Something else which is happening on the Iditarod Friday is,  there are many Iditarod parties all over town.  One of those parties, the 7th annual edition, is currently happening in Eagle River at Bonnie and Jim Fosters place. Seems to be a Canadian hotspot. Karen Ramstead just arrived, the musher of “ curly tails “ has taken on the hat of being a race judge. So is BC musher Warren Palfrey who also just pulled in., as well as Thomas Tetz. Aaron Peck , Ed Stielstra and Mike Suprenant are the “ resident host family “ mushers, for whom this party is thrown, complete with Iditarod cake, once again donated by Claudia and Lee from Michigan. Wow, MUSHING Royalty is walking in. Non other than Ray Redington, the grand son of Iditarod Godfather Joe Redington. Ray had a great race last season. He is going to be one of the teams to watch. The fact that his friend Hugh Neff loaned him some of his Quest finishers, adds to the depth of his team.

Karen’s first station as a race judge is going to be Finger Lake and after that, who knows, it depends on how the race will progress. On Monday Thomas Tetz will fly to Mc Grath. We were just discussing our different experiences on the race trail, from musher to media to judge. Its nice having people around, who know all sides of the race. I am looking forward to work with them on the trail.


After leaving here in Eagle River, we will go to the Snow City Café, on 4th Avenue to join a special event. Albert Lewis is doing a book signing of his beautiful photo book: “ Born to Run, Athletes of the Iditarod “. I am sure the will be a good musher crowd attending too.

At the same time, there is an Iditarod fundraiser going on in the Millenium Hotel. Its fun times of mushers, official and fans mingling. As my writing time is limited, sorry, here a few more pictures.

Yahooooo. Tomorrow morning teams will leave 4th Avenue. Be sure to tune into the free live broadcast of the Ceremonial Start on the Insider.

Happy trails, wahhhoooooo





 Lots and lots of batteries






Sound worksIMG_0153

No good party without a cake and chocolate fountainIMG_0155



Race Judges Thomas Tetz, Warren Palfrey and Karen Ramstead, Musher Aaron Peck,IMG_0163

They are the lawIMG_0172



















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