Well another big stepping stone for the 2013 Iditarod Mushers is done. The Ceremonial Start. And boy did it go smooth. The weather played dirty for us photographers with it being foggy, but sunny only a few miles out, worse off, the fog lifting about half an hour after the last team had left. Good thing the real start is tomorrow at 2 p.m.. Talking to the mushers, some were nervous, others totally relaxed. Jodi Baily and me had a chat, while she was patiently waiting in line at an outhouse, about our sentiments about this event. During my first Iditarod, I have to admit, I did not like it. All I wanted to do, was get on the trail and be out in the bush. There more years went by, the more I embraced the fun part, the fans and this actually being a very social event. But as Jodi noted, it is very important as a musher, that you have a well functioning support crew, who takes the stress of the mushers shoulder, so he or she can actually enjoy mentally being on 4th Avenue and to have fun. There is definitely few places on earth where I have seen more smiley faces than at this event. Dogs and humans.
The one and only Joanne Potts
I really enjoy seeing quite a few Native Mushers and Teams in the lineup. For them it is even harder to part take, than being right on the road system. Mike Jr and Sr Williams from Akiak, have to run their team down the Kusko River, fly them out to to Anchorage. Louis Ambrose hails from St Michael. Talk about tough training conditions and lots of logistics! Same counts for Champion John Baker, although he lives almost across the Airport in Kotzebue. Yet others like Josh Cadzow have to run over 100 miles to the nearest road in Circle City and than begin the long treck to Anchorage. And one common thread with these teams is: “ There are whole villages rooting for them! It is very visible looking at Josh´s sled, truck and trailer, even the license plate proudly displays Fort Yukon.
It takes a Village
Josh Cadzow and Lisa Murkowski
Rudy Demoski who ran the 1974 Iditarod and it is going to be very interesting to talk to him down the trail, to see his observations of all the changes. Another Native in this race comes from the other side of the Bering Straight , Michael Telpin. Boy do I like the looks of his dogs. Tough, maintenance free dogs. Made for travel and work. I wish him well on his journey to Nome, sure he will not be first place, but more importantly, he is keeping a great tradition alive.
There is teams here running to fulfil a lifelong dream, running for cancer to remember loved ones and friends and family currently battling this disease. Yet other just run it for the dogs and the adventures. The motives are as varied as the background of each entrant. But they all have one common goal. To reach Nome with a nice looking dog team!
Of course some of theses teams came here to win. For them it is more than just a journey, for them it is a competition. My fellow commentator and Iditarod Champion Joe Runyan gave his Top 10 pick. Well here we go, here is mine:
- Aliy Zirkle
- Ramey Smyth
- Aaron Burmeister
- Dallas Seavey
- Peter Kaiser.
- Jeff King
- John Baker
- Mitch Seavey
- Jessie Royer
- Ray Redington
My no 1 pick
Talking with Becca Moore while their dogs patiently waited for their turn, we noted how deeply competitive this field is. There are several teams who are peaking at the same time, not peaking condition wise in the race ( that remains to be seen who is ) , but peaking “ kennel wise with experience and support “. Its going to be a very tough race!
There is a blue eyed dog looking at you on the Iditarod homepage with the slogan:
“ The ultimate race, deserves the ultimate coverage Be an Insider.” This dog is GAS he was born on June 8th 2001 in my yard. Mother Ginger and dad Buck. Both from Roy and Sandra Perry´s sprint lines in Tok and at the time, 12 years ago, running Iditarod had, after one failed Quest attempt, not even crossed my mind. The picture of course is taken by Jeff Schultz the official Iditarod Photographer. Gas finished many 1000 mile races with me, last time in my 2010 Iditarod Team. Gas was a super dedicated team dog. Last night a new chapter in his life began. I took him to United Airlines late at night, together with his brother and running partner Diesel. Long time Iditarod fan and volunteer Joy was waiting at the other end all the way in Connersville IND, to bring “ the boys home “. Good thing I was scrambling for time and could not dwell too much on it, but good bye´s to the old guys are not easy. They now will be enjoying a cushy life on the couch. I just got word, that they made it safely and already proceeded “ to water the couch “. Same as a new chapter in Gas´s life began, so did it in mine. I got asked many times today, when I will hit the trail again. It simply is not in the books right now, do not get me wrong I still have dogs and love to run them. But I am equally as proud to have shared my life with these dedicated dogs running in the Iditarod, as I am now happy and proud to be part of this race working with the Insider Crew. Same as these dogs, the Insider Crew is into this great event with all their heart and soul. Please subscribe to the Insider if you have not already done so. We try to bring you the best coverage possible: Video, Photos and Writing. We try to be in the right spots at the right time, rain or shine.
Gas going to the Airport
Happy trails to you all, see you down the trail,
I have not even begun to pack my snowmachine, so its time to head outside.
Enjoy some pictures here too!!!
Sebastian and “ Gas “!
Cindy Gallea
Nome bound
Gerry Willomitzer
Albert Lewis
Pround to be part of the Insider! We are out to bring you the best coverage!
Happy to hit the trail
Great Supporters.
Michael Telpin from Russia
Chukotka dogs
Keeping things rolling along smoothly
Watch this team Mike Ellis, purebred Siberian team.
Soaking it up
Ready to roll
all smiles
The voices behind the insider, Greg Heister and Bruce Lee
Passing by Dick said: ” This is a far as I go “
Running for a cause
His name is Ugly…. a mascot of Nicolas Petit The pee sqad
Becca Moore, a family affiar
time to play
Out to catch his brother
The Vets. Integral part of the team
Newton turns 30. Really???