Jeff King Watching Video and Martin Buser into Ruby

While Jeff King had some after dinner video entertainment, the checkpoint had another arrival. Jeff has given some of his Go Pro footage of going down Dalzell Gorge to the Insider ( check it out, it’s well worth it )  and he took his chance to watch that video after he enjoyed his 5 course meal. I could not help but notice the nice pile of one dollar bills sitting next to the computer. Jeff sure earned that money hard. It was a long couple of days without a 24 hr break to reach the Yukon River. Jeff was hanging on to the edge of his seat watching his own video. That ride is a distant memory now, so much has happened in between. Although we are ” only ” Thursday night, it seems like the race has gone on forever. Basically each day has ” 2 days ” with each musher doing about 2 runs a day. Two years ago Aliy Zirkle left Ruby in the morning as the first team out. This year we are ahead of that pace.

After dinner Jeff carried a bottle of wine and plate of his meal to the musher house to wake up Sonny Lindner. Not a bad way to wake up from a nap and sure shows how much the mushers camaraderie is alive.

Martin’s team looked real nice coming in, although he had one dog in the bag. Right after bedding down the team he offers each dog a bowl of plain old water and most of them eagerly drink it. Talk about perfect hydration. Something I should train my dogs to do.

Looking at the tracker, Aliy has camped out pretty close to Ruby. It is safe to assume, that she then will not stop here and go to Galena, same as she did in 2012. So she MIGHT be the first team out. The game with the different strategies is constantly changing. Robert Sorlie is moving real well, it looks like he will do this run in well under 10 hrs and yet shave some time of the lead Martin has on him.

It’s going to be an exiting night, I hope I can still get on the internet with the school eventually closing. Happy trails and enjoy the shots below.



Jeff watching video


While Martin Buser is pulling in.


Looking for a parking spot


Securing his team



Martin Buser


Jeff Kings dogs napping


Jeff giving his sleeping bag to his leaders.


Bedding down


Vet check


Martin teaches his dogs to drink straight water


And they sure do love that clear water.


Musher building


Sunset over Yukon and Sonny Lindners Team


Jeff Sled

IMG_4302Cooker on the go