Kelly Maixner and Jeff King en route to Cripple

The other 2 teams I passed along the way today were Kelly Maixner and Jeff King. Jeff was at the Carlson Crossing Shelter Cabin 28 miles past Ophir. His team quietly camping on the river and Jeff was stretching in the cabin. He was overly talkative, and I could not blame him for that. So I left him be and continued down the trail. Here some shots of Jeff’s team; further down I will post some of Kelly Maixner 

Kelly Maixner has been doing a very long run. He has been on the move since McGrath. That is a 113 mile run. He is basically cutting out one rest stop. Other mushers went from McGrath to past Ophir and camped out, like Dallas Seavey did. Time will tell, how much speed his team will lose with such a long run. They have 24 hrs of quality rest coming up. Cripple is remote. BUT…. it’s a very good place to rest. Dinner was just served.”  Do you want steak or pork chops , any salad with that. ” Yes, Heck I might stay the night then…. Kelly had lost his parka on the trail and someone handed it to me in Ophir. He sure was happy to be reunited with that piece of equipment. It’s warm now, but that can change quickly further up on the coast.

Here some Kelly Maixner pictures