One perk of being on the trail with a snow machine is that I can sneak up on mushers which are camped out. Brent Sass, was sitting a few miles past Nikolai, to enjoy some peace and quiet. He either pretended to not hear me come, or he was really napping hard ( earplugs?? ) I considered throwing snowballs at him, but then thought better not do that…. His dogs looked comfy and he had picked a nice camping spot . Here a few shots of his campout:
The next team in line camped out was Noah Burmeister. Noah is running an ambitious schedule, worked out with his brother Aaron. As opposed to Brent, Noah was up and about, so we chatted for a while. I asked him how he would proceed from here and he told me that his next run will take him to Taktona. After that….. well you know…. I promised to not say anything more… In lead of his team is a cute little female dog called Moss. I ran her back in 2011 when she was 2 years old. Pretty cool to see her graduating into being a single leader. Noah wanted to camp out at Buffalo Camp last night, but said: ” I fell asleep at the wheel and next thing I see the sign for the Shelter cabin “. Note, the Bear Creek Cabin is about 7 miles past Buffalo Camp. He must have been asleep for a while. How on earth he could have done that with as bumpy as the trail was, is beside me. Tiredness will do that to any musher.
Here a few pictures of Noah’s campout: