Update on Aliy Zirkle on Norton Sound

Aliy Zirkle is NOT in trouble on Norton Sound. Both she and Dallas Seavey had chosen to go through Shaktoolik. Dallas camped out near the shelter cabin. He was already on the move again when I passed him.  When I talked to Aliy she said that she had wanted to go about half way, which is pretty much what she has done. She was in a good mood, ready to settle down for a nap. Mushers run different schedules. It would not have been much calmer in Shaktoolik neither. Yes, she could have gone inside herself, whereas here she was enjoying a beautiful 360 degree view. The spot she had picked had some of the least wind on the whole crossing.

Here in Koyuk we are waiting for Brent to pull in. The checkpoint has almost emptied out; he must be close. Local Nathan just cooked me a wonderful piece of salmon. Yes, I can be bribed with food!

Days Hrs Mins Secs

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