Rudy Demoski, Sr.
Hometown: Wasilla, AlaskaThere are no records for this musher during the 1974 race.
Rudy Demoski, Sr., 67, was born and raised in Anvik, Alaska. He began mushing in 1974 and says he became interested in the Iditarod because he saw Ken Chase run in 1973. He ran his first Iditarod in 1974, finishing fourth. “I missed training dogs for the past 27 years. I have been thinking about running again for several years, especially when I see some of my friends racing. I obtained sponsorship this year and decided since I wasn’t getting any younger, this is the time to go.” Rudy has been a carpenter for 36 years. He is married to Diane and has six adult children, Rosetta, Ruby, Roberta, Rebecca, Rudy, Jr., and Amanda. He lists his hobby as hunting.