Musher Details

Bob Hickel
Hometown: Anchorage, AlaskaThere are no records for this musher during the 1997 race.
Bob Hickel, 62, was born in Alaska where he has lived all his life except for going to Santa Clara University and receiving a BSC (Bachelor of Science in Commerce) in 1969. He is currently retired from working in the family business for 36 years and was President for 33 of those years. Bob started running dogs in 1988 and after running the Chugiak Dog Mushers' Businessman's Race, he became interested in running the Iditarod, which he ran the first time in 1990. This year, he will be running dogs from Kami Kennels and looks forward to completing the southern route of the Iditarod again. He and Carol have been married 37 years and are the parents of four adult children, Robert, 32, Ryan, 31, Rhett, 27 and Ashley, 25. Bob is a trustee of Alaska Regional Hospital and a trustee of the Alaska Pacific University Foundation. He says his hobbies are ocean boating, hunting, fishing, working out, scuba diving, river rafting, reading, traveling and investing.