Location: 62.3031, -153.3788

Population 0 -- This area is tied with Rainy Pass as having the most spectacular scenery. The gateway to the interior, Rohn Roadhouse marks the transition point where the mushers start to venture into the flatlands of the interior, along with dropping temperatures. Situated near the confluence of the South Fork of the Kuskokwim and Tatina Rivers, the area served as one of the original Iditarod Trail Roadhouses for the dog teams carrying mail, etc. The actual roadhouse is gone, so the checkpoint is a cabin built in the 1930’s. NOTE: Most press people refer to this as the Rohn River checkpoint, but there is no Rohn River. It's Rohn Roadhouse. Mushers often decide to take their 24-hour layover here before heading across the bleak but treacherous Farewell Burn area. There are no facilities for visitors to the checkpoint.