Musher Details

Hans Gatt
Hometown: Whitehorse, YT, CANADAWebsite:
There are no records for this musher during the 5 race.
Hans Gatt, 58, born and raised in Austria, now lives in Whitehorse, Yukon Territory with Susie Rogan and 48 dogs, including many retirees. His business, Gattsled, makes top quality racing sleds as wells custom and tour sleds. For the past 11 years, Hans has only bred dogs in his own yard and prior to that, his lines included Lester Erhart, Harris Dunlap mainly, and behind them, lines such as Roxy Wright, George Attla and many other old time mushers. The exception was a breeding with an Arleigh Reynolds dog which produced nice pups and exceptional grand and great grand pups. Hans is a four time Yukon Quest winner and the current record holder. He is a member of Yukon Cross Country Order and enjoys dirt bike riding and bicycle riding.
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