2025 ITC Kennel Standards Agreement


Motion approved by the ITC Board of Directors on 06/08/18, released 2019.


“Mushers who enter the 2025 Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race shall voluntarily comply with the MWP kennel standards and shall self-certify. ITC will not independently inspect except for cause or reasonable suspicion”

The Iditarod Trail Committee requires that all mushers meet or exceed the Kennel Standards as set out by MUSH with PRIDE in their 2019 Kennel Inspection Document. They are:

WATER: All dogs are provided with adequate amounts of clean water every day.

SHELTER: Every dog has full access to a shelter adequate for the conditions (protection from wind/rain/snow/direct sun).

DIET: Dogs are offered a diet which is complete and wholesome and provided in amounts adequate to maintain normal body condition for the environmental conditions and amount of exercise. All dogs should be adequately fed and watered at least once a day, except as dictated by veterinary treatment, normal fasts, or professionally accepted practices.

CONFINEMENT: Dogs are confined in a manner that is safe and free of hazards (i.e. no sharp metal, protruding nails, debris)
a. lf tethered, the tethers or chains are tangle-free and of a sufficient length to allow freedom of movement and adequate exercise.

b. lf kept in runs, they are constructed of chain-link or wire fencing that is secure and all openings are small enough to prevent entrapment injury to limbs or head.

FECES: Stools are removed daily from the kennel area and are disposed of in a sanitary and legal manner.

ESTRUS: lf intact females (bitches) are kept on the premises, a confinement method is available which can safely house them under conditions within the guidelines and prevent unplanned breeding.

SOCIALIZATION: Most dogs should be adequately socialized to the point of allowing contact with humans without aggressive behaviors such as baring of teeth, growling, signs of fear-biter posturing or attempting to bite (without provocation). Dogs exhibiting maladaptive or pathological behavior which could result in self-injury, injury to others, or other undesirable consequences are being managed with an acceptable program for accommodation or remediation.

QUALITY OF LIFE– all dogs are provided with a basic quality of life. Each dog is given adequate and appropriate opportunities to engage in beneficial species-typical behaviors and activities. No dog is forced to live under pain or distress without veterinary intervention for relief from pain/suffering.

ROUTINE TRANSPORTATION: Adequate containers are used for the transportation and confinement of dogs during travel. These containers must provide sufficient space for each dog to turn about freely and make normal postural adjustments. Where appropriate, the dogs’ movement may be restricted when freedom of movement would constitute a danger to the dog, handlers, or other animals or persons
a. All dogs have current vaccinations as required by local law.

KENNEL: Kennel area/dog yard is located for best possible drainage.

FENCING: In places where young children might visit, the kennel area/dog yard is surrounded by a fence of an adequate height and strength to contain loose dogs and keep children out of the yard.

RECORD KEEPING: Individual records are kept for each dog including vaccinations, deworming and medical history.
a. There exists a prior valid veterinarian-client relationship and/or an emergency contact phone number for veterinary care is available.

BREEDING: Records of breeding status are kept on all dogs. Dogs with genetic defects/diseases are prevented from breeding.

WHELPING: lf breeding takes place on site, a suitable whelping pen and house is available.

EMERGENCY EVACUATION: A means of safe transport and an emergency evacuation plan is in place to move dogs to safety in a timely manner in an emergency.

FOOD: Food ingredients are stored in such a manner as to prevent contamination.

I hereby certify that my kennel meets the ITC Kennel Standards as set out by MUSH with PRIDE in their 2019 Kennel Inspection Document.

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