
Insider Ultimate PLUS – Video + GPS + Documentaries
You receive all the great features of the ULTIMATE INSIDER plus access to Iditarod documentaries including the latest one. As a bonus, we will continue to add new videos throughout the year.


  • Commercial-Free access to all video content
  • GPS Tracker
  • Highlight 5 Mushers with email alerts
  • Watch Iditarod documentaries instantly


Insider Ultimate – Video + GPS
The name says it all. The ULTIMATE INSIDER gets access to everything! All of the benefits of the INSIDER VIDEO combined with the ability to “Track the Pack” with the GPS INSIDER! Access to all of the commercial-free video. Spotlight up to 5 of your favorite mushers and receive email alerts when they enter and leave a checkpoint.

  • Commercial-Free access to all video content including Live Streaming from the trail and other events
  • GPS Tracker
  • Highlight 5 Mushers with email alerts


Insider Free
Register for a free user account on Iditarod.com and enjoy all the excitement of the race. Access to videos not available to unregistered users like the race documentaries, articles and much more. Registered users also get to choose a favorite musher to track and get email alerts based on their activity.

  • Access to some video content with commercials
  • Highlight 1 Mushers with email alerts
  • Access to some Articles


The 48-Hour Insider Pass

This pass includes 48 hours+ access to the live Iditarod 53 Champion’s show*, Insider Live stream with fan chat, Insider video clips from the trail, GPS race tracker and access to live musher finishes. 

This pass officially starts on Tuesday, March 11th, at 3:00 PM Alaska (7:00PM Eastern US). 

* No Worry Guarantee: If the live Champion’s show takes place later than expected, we will AUTOMATICALLY extend your pass until that show ends. If you are an Insider Ultimate or Insider Ultimate Plus, you already receive this great content as part of your subscription.

NOTE: If you subscribe before Tuesday, you will not be able to view content until access is granted on Tuesday, March 11th, at 3:00 PM Alaska (7:00PM Eastern US).


*All subscriptions regardless of date purchased, expire the end of June. Subscriptions are renewable starting July 1.


Need help subscribing? Click here for detailed instructions.

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