Graveyard shift

The mushers who came into Tanana during the nice afternoon hours are now preparing for the gaveyard shift. Right now the dog yard is breaking out in a big giant howling chorus. The dogs know something is up and it’s time to leave soon. Dallas Seavey was sorting through stuff and said: ” Gentlemen, I still have a train wreck here and am already behind time.” In other words, quit bugging me with questions and let me do my thing. Message understood. Dallas is very happy with where he is at in the race and especially how his dogs look. He was preparing for a long night run and said ” I am sure this is one to remember, and most likely not in a good way.” With that he is referring to the cold temperatures. The forecast calls for 20 below”. It did so last night, and got much colder in certain spots.

At the same time Richie Diehl from Aniak is pulling in with a very animated team. They simply look great. He also commented on the cold. Most mushers are packing full bales of straw in their trailers or strapping them on top of their sleds. In 2 more runs they will be in Ruby. Martin Buser is also looking for new equipment to keep him warm. He was pretty excited to find a new neck warmer in his drop bag. Small joys of life!

And here goes Aliy ZIrkle. Hike, get up there!…. out she is!

Happy trails


Martin getting ready to leave
New Neck warmer
Richie Diehl from Aniak checking in
Very nice looking team of Richie Diehl
This is where these updates come from

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