It’s time for the Summer Raffle! Tickets are $100. Call: 1.800.545.6874.
Download and view flyer to learn more.
Tickets are also sold at our headquarters in Wasilla and the 5th Avenue Mall in Anchorage.
The Summer Raffle is one of two major fundraising events held each year. Only 2000 tickets are sold. We must sell all 2000 tickets to meet our financial obligations for staging the race.
* We guarantee that your purchased ticket makes its way into the drum for the drawing. The CPA firm of Newhouse and Vogler, of Anchorage, Alaska, conducts a pre-drawing audit and observes the audit. This audit ensures all tickets sold are in the drum prior to the drawing.
If you are unable to purchase a raffle ticket, purchases of merchandise at our store are appreciated.
You can also support Iditarod in other ways. Learn more at this link.