Where Have All the Mushers Gone?

Do you ever wonder about mushers like Charlie Boulding and Don Honea?  Where are they and what have they been up to since they last ran in Iditarod? 

If you’d been at the Iditarod booth at the Tanana Valley State Fair in Fairbanks, you would have had a good chance of spotting Charlie, Don, and lots of other past and current mushers.

RaffleEach year at the State Fair in both Fairbanks and Palmer, Iditarod  runs a booth to sell merchandise, the Summer Raffle tickets, and to promote the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race®.  

The  Tanana Valley State Fair concluded on August 11. We’d like to thank Tami Winner, Barb Fennessy, Jodi Bailey, Lynne LaFever, Pauline and Neil Heisner, and Molly and James Rogan for their tireless efforts in the Iditarod booth at the Tanana Valley Fair selling Iditarod merchandise and Summer Raffle tickets. (Learn about the Summer Raffle at this link)

Along with race fans visiting the booth, mushers stopped by Iditarod’s booth with their friends and/ or family.   Some of the mushers from earlier years and some more current;  Diana Moroney (’87-’90, ’93-’96, ’00, ’05),  Charlie Boulding (’92, ‘94-’05)with wife and daughter, Wally Robinson (’01)  with wife and two children, Don Honea (’77,’79, ‘80’, ’82, ’84,’86) with two of his grandchildren, Allen Miller (’86) and partner Mary Crowley, Todd (’03, ’04) and Anne Capistrant (’08) with two almost teenage daughters, Molly Yazwinski (’08), Barb (’80) and Lisa Moore (’94, ’96), Ken Anderson (99, ’02-’13) and youngest daughter, Dave Monson (‘81, ’82, ’83) and daughter Chuchi, Lance Mackey (’01, ’02, ‘04-’13) and Sabe Flores, Jessica Hendricks (’03, ’05, ’06, ’08, ’11, ’13) and Tom Lesatz (’07, ’10), Jodi Bailey (’11, ’12, ’13) and Dan Kaduce (’10), as well as Garth Elsdon (’02) and his bride of one year.  

Over the next few months, we’ll be filling in some details about what’s been going on with some of our past Iditarod mushers.  Check this area of the website for updates!

If you are in the area, stop by the Iditarod booth at the State Fair in Palmer August 22 – September 2.  Purchase a Summer Raffle Ticket, Iditarod merchandise,  and get a glimpse at our 2014 logo and new merchandise.  The fastest way to purchase a raffle ticket is by calling (800) 545 – 6874.  If you usually purchase your ticket at the fair, consider purchasing early.  These tickets MUST be sold by the drawing in order to meet our financial obligations for the race.  We need your help!  Please call today!

Tanana State Fair

Click on thumbnail images to view a larger image.

All photos in this gallery are by Iditarod Trail Committee. Reproduction prohibited without written permission from the photographer.

*Apologies if we have missed any visitors or volunteers in our above listing.

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