Iditarod Headquarters Gets a Facelift

DSCF0104Time, weather conditions, upkeep over the years, and natural elements are factors that lead to a necessary renovation of log buildings.  This fall, the Iditarod Headquarters is undergoing the necessary work to once again restore the logs on our headquarters building.  Every few years, the logs have been cleaned and stained, but this fall, a restoration project went into full restoration mode.  If you have recently visited headquarters, you’ve seen sawdust on the ground. noticed dust in the air, and heard the familiar buzzing of the tools designed to restore the logs.

Charlie has been hired to clean, plane, sand, file, fill cracks in the wood, oil, and stain the logs.  Over the years, Charlie has been involved in other building upkeep projects, so he knows the building quite well.  Charlie told us that all in all, the logs are in good shape.  Once this project is done, the building will be restored and ready to house the offices, museum, and gift shop we know as Iditarod Headquarters for years to come.

This project began a week or so ago and will continue for the next several weeks.  Once the project has been completed, we’ll share photos of our updated look. 

HQ Facelift

Click on thumbnail images to view a larger image.

All photos in this gallery are by Iditarod Trail Committee. Reproduction prohibited without written permission from the photographer.

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