2015 Winter Raffle Winners Announced

2015winterRaffle-page-001Congratulations to the winners of the 2015 Winter Raffle.  Thank you to everyone who purchased raffle tickets.  We appreciate your support in helping to stage “The Last Great Race on Earth®”. Press Release Winter Raffle Winners 2015

2015 Winter Raffle Prizes

Prize 1: 2015 Dodge Ram 4×4 Quad Cab  – Mariah Utuga, Anchorage, AK

Prize 2: Caldera Spas “Tarino” 5 Person Hot Tub with two Lounges – Stan Smith, Chugiak, AK

Prize 3: 2015 Ski – Doo Tundra Sport 550F Snowmobile – Russell Bishop, Anchorage, AK

Prize 4: Caribbean Cruise for 2 (10 Day) – Joyce Cullen, New York

Prize 5: 1988 a/p Iditarod Collectors Print, “A Welcome Rest” – James Erubbs, Valdez, Ak

Prize 6: Round trip Airfare for 2 to most PenAir Destinations – Thomas Green, North Pole, AK

Prize 7: 2015 Dodge Ram 4×4 Quad Cab – Mary Jo Turner, Anchorage, AK

Prize 8: Set of 4 Cooper Tires with Custom Wheels – Katherine Stevenson, Anchorage, AK

Prize 9: 1997 25th Anniversary Bib Signed by Joe Redington, Sr. – Mary Kate Campbell, Wasilla, AK

Prize 10: 1989 A/P Iditarod Collectors Print, “Leading the Way” – Bryon Looney, Puyalup, WA

Prize 11: Five Day Motorhome Rental within Alaskan – Ron Jovanovich, Eagle River, AK

Prize 12: 20th Anniversary A/P Iditarod Collectors Print, “Lights on the Iditarod Trail” – Michelle Romak, Anchorage, AK

Prize 13: One Way Car Shipment between Tacoma, WA to Anchorage, AK – Andria Agli, Alaska

Prize 14:  2015 Dodge Ram 4×4 Quad Cab  – John Beatty, Lakeville, MN

Prize 15:  Honda Generator – Dawn Nicoli, Fairbanks, AK

Prize 16:  #1 Official Iditarod Race Bib signed by the 2015 Champion – Marjorie Prichard, Anchorage, AK

Prize 17: Spenard Builders Shopping Spree – Value $500 – Randy Short – Juneau, AK

Prize 18: Base Camp McKinley Tour for 2 with Glacier Landing – Susan Fenn, Bird Creek, AK

Prize 19: Bass Pro Shops Gift Card $500 – Mike Sweeney – Palmer, AK

Prize 20: 2015 Dodge Ram 4×4 Pickup Truck – Tim Deal, Palmer, AK

*Our CPA firm, Newhouse & Vogler of Anchorage, ensured that all ticket stubs were in the drum at the time of the drawing on Monday, September 1, at 5:00 pm AKDT.  We would like to thank our CPA firm for their dedication to making sure your ticket is in the drum!  Thank  you, ticket holders!

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