Eye on the Trail: Iditarod XLVII Awards Photo Journal

The finisher’s Banquet in Nome is a gala event celebrating both the challenge and success of the Iditarod.  Special awards are presented and the recipients have the opportunity to speak about the events surrounding the award.  Each musher is called to the podium in finish order to receive recognition and have the opportunity to share stories from their journey and to thank the people and sponsors who help put them on the trail.  There’s a saying, “Any worth doing is hard.”  Nothing could be more true about Iditarod XLVII.  Thanks times 1,049 to all the sponsors and volunteers who made the race possible.  Congratulations to the mushers who made their way to the start line, to the mushers who made their way to Nome and to Champion Peter Kaiser.  All are winners!   

Marshall Carter Presents Hat and Mitts to Nicolas Petit in McGrath

Alaska Air Transit Spirit of Iditarod Award 


Aliy Zirkle

GCI Dorothy G. Page Halfway Award


Nicolas Petit

The Lakefront Anchorage First Musher to the Yukon Award


Peter Kaiser

Bristol Bay Native Corporation Fish First Award


Nicolas Petit

Ryan Air Gold Coast Award


Peter Kaiser

Northrim Bank Achieve More Award


Ed Hopkins

Rookie of the Year Award


Wade Marrs

Nome Kennel Club Fastest Time Safety to Nome Award


Paige Drobny

Matson Most Improved Musher


Matts Petterssen

Donlin Gold Sportsmanship Award


Lance Mackey

Mushers’ Choice Award


Aaron Peck

Northern Air Cargo Herbie Nayokpuk Award



Presented by Mark Nordman to Rohn & Eagle Island

Golden Clipboard Award

Aliy Zirkle

Leonhard Seppala Humanitarian Award


Morrow – Peter Kaiser Leader

City of Nome Lolly Medley Golden Harness Award


Red Lantern Award – TBD


Champion Peter Kaiser

Iditarod XLVII Champion


Days Hrs Mins Secs

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