9am Zirkle and pack pressure Seavey in Koyuk checkpoint

ray redington hustles to care for team

ray redington hustles to care for team


9:40 AM  Zirkle, Redington, Burmeister in to Koyuk, King is a memory and gone from the checkpoint


Aliy Zirkle, Ray Redington, Aaron Burmeister into Koyuk with the first rays of morning sun around 9:40 AM.   This knot of mushers has been jostling through the night creating mini spheres of tension in the ranks, but together they represent more pressure on Mitch Seavey, who was here resting, but just now up at 10:05 AM grabbing a cup of coffee.


Jeff King is a distant memory, gone out of the checkpoint, and according to the expert Tracker watchers in the checkpoint, camped about 8 miles up the trail.  We don’t know that for sure about his intentions except that he has pulled the classic ploy in mushing and removed he and team from sight.  There aren’t even vapors of his existence left in the checkpoint. 


I am told that Redington and Zirkle had a little contentious conversation in the dog yard—something about a pass, a dog fight in Ray’s team,etc.—that livened up the mushers.  A small venting is normally healthy and the dog yard returns to the normal chores of removing booties, spreading straw, and feeding the dogs.


Aaron was smiling as he pulled into the yard fifth.  A day ago he was fighting for the lead, a demonstration of the fragile differences that can skew a race.   Unfortunately, for his many fans, his speed slowed, and was passed on the ice.   I am sure he went through the “second guessing”routine common to golfers, jockeys and chess players, on the ice, but now just figures he made a good play and it didn’t work.


Final thought


The top five beginning to distinguish themselves, with battles for placing.  Mitch is making moves to depart Koyuk and pursue King.   The general feeling in the checkpoint gives the momentum to King, but Mitch knows it’s close.  Just one small event can change the landscape.  What if King’s leader sprains an ankle and needs a ride in the sled?  Mitch wants to be there to seize the moment.

10 22 AM  just had a brief conversation with mitch Seavey as he prepared to leave Koyuk.

Mitch: “There’s two people.  Mitch Seavey at the coffee table planning his race and Mitch Seavey worried about the competiton.  I am Mitch SEavey with a plan and staying 3 hours 40 minute,  my magic number.”

Your author:”You and Jeff have done this drill, fighting for first , how many times?”

Mitch:”I am going to be in position to be opportunistic.  I might beat him (King) into Nome if my dogs respond to an eight hour rest in White MOuntain”

Plenty of sparks are fueling the fire.