By Lori E. Gordon, DVM Veterinary Surgical Care, Inc. MA Task Force 1 US&R Veterinary Officer, NVRT Veterinary Officer Let’s start with the basics. Neutering is the removal of an animal’s reproductive organ(s), all or most of them. Neutering refers to both males and females, though typically used for males while spaying refers to …
Over the last decade, as human diet trends have become more popular, so too have specialty pet foods. Just as people seek out the latest paleo, keto, or high-octane juice cleanse recipe, pet owners are also drawn to “premium,” or “holistic,” or “carnivore-based” diets. One of the most popular trends in the dog food market …
A penguin, a sled dog, and a manatee walk into a diner… Well, maybe not. But even if they don’t frequent the same restaurants, they do share similar adaptations that help them overcome the challenges of life in cold environments. As veterinarians, we’re often asked how dogs can tolerate walking barefoot on snow and ice. …
By Lori E. Gordon, DVM Veterinary Surgical Care, Inc. MA Task Force 1 US&R Veterinary Officer, NVRT Veterinary Officer The answer is maybe. It depends on the dog, both their physical as well as individual emotional state of mind. It is the combination of their natural personality and their environmental upbringing that can answer …
Siberian Huskies are the classic “sled dog” that most people envision when they think of sled dog teams, and that vision is often reinforced by Hollywood in movies and television shows. That image is so pervasive, that many people are taken aback when they first see the diverse collection of sizes, coat colors, and bodily …
by Stuart Nelson, Jr., DVM What is a sled dog? This question was addressed by the ISDVMA (International Sled Dog Veterinary Medical Association) board of directors at their recent meeting in Germany. The answer seems to be rather obvious, but as with most things in life, it is more complex than a superficial assessment would …
by Stuart Nelson, Jr., DVM My medical topic for this month is the syndrome known as Gastric Dilatation-Volvulus or GDV. Uncomplicated gastric dilatation (distension) can occur as the result of swallowing air and/or overeating, but there is a great potential for rapid progression into a life-threatening emergency if the stomach twists on its long axis …
by Stuart Nelson, Jr., DVM Pannus or Uberreiter’s disease refers to a corneal abnormality most prevalent in German Shepherds, Border Collies, Siberian Huskies and Australian Shepherds. Alaskan Huskies often include these breeds in their lineage, and although infrequent, they are also affected by Pannus. There are several definitions of the disease process, but the condition …
by Stuart Nelson, Jr., DVM The medical topic for this discussion pertains to a condition affecting the respiratory tract, and more specifically, the larynx. The disorder, which may be inherited or acquired, is referred to as laryngeal paralysis or laryngeal hemiplegia. It is considered as a hereditary abnormality in Siberian Huskies and husky mixed breeds, …
by Stuart Nelson, Jr., DVM Many of you may have experienced knee injuries, including ACL tears. You know what I’m referring to! Ouch! For those of you who may not be aware, the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is critical to normal function of the knee joint. This structure, most commonly referred to as the cranial …