People, Places, or Dogs

Eye on the Trail: Telephoto Story in Koyuk

Gourmet Chef Ryan Redington is observed by school children as he prepares a meal for his dogs.   Checkpoint volunteer in Koyuk wears bunny boots and beaver mitts while working in Koyuk.            

Eye on the Trail: Telephoto Story – Unalakleet

  No more than three (3) sleds can be used by a musher during the race after the re-start.  No more that two (2) sleds can be shipped beyond the restart. (Rule 15 of the Official Race Rules)   The wind chargers stand like sentinels near the village of Unalakleet.  The turbines suppliment diesel generated …

Eye on the Trail: Telephoto Story – Talking to Kids

Talking with the village residents makes the tail experience for Iditarod personnel meaningful and memorable.

Eye on the Trail: Telephoto Story – ICE = H2O

Eddie Burke, Jr. shipped ice out to checkpoints to melt for water instead of snow.  Ice is more dense than snow and quicker to convert to the quantity of water needed for feeding dogs.  

Eye on the Trail: Telephoto Story – Jed Stephensen

Siri Raitto has captured another classic full team profile, this one is of Jed Stephensen Leaving McGrath.

Eye on the Trail: Telephoto Story – Thursday

Three sled dogs share an Island of Straw at McGrath Checkpoint.   Rookie Bridgett Watkins arrives in Takotna where she’ll take her 24-hour layover.   Snow depth in Takotna measured by the height of a vehicle of unknown make and model.

Eye on the Trail: Telephoto Story – Wednesday

David Poyzer of the Insider crew has provided us with some stunning photos from Rainy Pass and Rohn.  Enjoy these and his other photos in the Iditarod Photo Gallery. Twenty four planes are sitting on Puntilla Lake, some for spectators and some IAF planes to transport Iditarod personnel.   This is one for the Stephensen …

Eye on the Trail: Telephoto Story – Tuesday

Ah, the comforts of straw and a double layered coat!  It’s a perfect sled dog morning! One of the Berington twins enjoys a seal-a-meal breakfast at Finger Lake.

Eye on the Trail: Telephoto Story – Monday

Ryan Redington has crossed Willow Lake and climbs the bank to enjoy wooded trails ahead.  Imagine what this sounds like.   Brent Sass with Pink and Slater in lead along the wooded trails beyond Willow Lake.  Imagine what this sounds like.    We track mushers thanks to low tech dog booties and large safety pins. …

Eye on the Trail: Sled Dogs – How Do They Do What They Do?

A standard marathon is 26.2 miles in length.  Iditarod’s Southern Route is 998 miles long.  That is pretty close to the length of 39 marathons.  If you’ve ever met a marathoner at the finish line, the runner is spent.  Even if you give your runner something to drink, a chunk of banana and an orange …