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Eye On the Trail: Iditarod XLVII

With the Volunteer and Musher Sign-up Picnic, the first chapter of Iditarod XLVII has been recorded. The day began with heavy cloud cover that threatened rain at any minute but optimistic as Iditarod fans, volunteers and mushers are, spirits were not dampened.  The positive vibes prevailed and by noon the sky turned from mostly cloudy to …


Hello friends, Here it is . . . the end of another Iditarod. Lots of my K9 friends crossed under the Burled Arch in Nome with happy faces and tail wags. 52 teams finished the race with Joar Leifseth Ulsom claiming first and Magnus Kaltenborn claiming the Red Lantern. The Finisher’s Banquet was held Sunday …

Eye on the Trail: Iditarod XLVI Awards

The celebration of success for Iditarod finishers was held at the Nome Recreation Center in snowy windy Nome on March 18, 2018.  Why would the weather be any different for the banquet than what it was on the trail during the race?  Mushers with the families, friends, kennel workers as well as race sponsors and …

Finishing in Nome

Paws Along the Trail with Finishers   Walking around Nome, I feel like I am in Hollywood, seeing famous mushers just strolling around like everyone else.  Nic Petit, Deedee Jonrowe, Jeff King, Lars Munson, and Michael Williams, Jr., are all looking rested and relaxed.  Did you know that when a musher is two miles away …

Daily Update 12

Hi Boys and Girls, Good Morning.  Nome has been a busy place since yesterday morning.  19 mushers  have arrived since Joar went under the Burled Arches. Matthew Failor and Ketil Reitan arrived 12 seconds apart.  I bet that was exciting to see.  There are still 38 teams out on the trail.   Let’s cheer them on!  …

Gratulerer Joar!

Hello friends, “Joar Leifseth Ulsom, welcome to Nome!” This was the announcement overheard in the streets of Nome at 3:00 AM Alaska Time. Woowoowoooo! It was a nice looking dog team of 8 dogs that crossed the finish line. They had smiles on their faces and tails in the air. Joar won over $50,000 and …

Eye on the Trail: Unalakleet Photo Essay

The checkpoint was filled with spectators as the mushers came off the Kaltag Trail.  Nic Petit, shared the checkpoint briefly with Joar Leifseth Ulsom and Mitch Seavey.  After a 5.5 hour rest, Petit headed to Shaktoolik.  Joar Rested just an hour and forty-two minutes and followed Nic.  Mitch rested just over three hours before leaving …

Iditarod Citizenship!

Hi, Teachers! I was an athlete!  I belonged to a sports team….the sport of dog mushing which is the Alaskan state sport. Being an athlete requires stamina, determination and the ability to work together with others on a team.  My team just happened to be other dogs. On other sports’ teams everyone has their own …

Eye on the Trial: Weather on the Yukon River

The best strategies of mushers are only successful if Mother Nature allows. The fickle woman is creating havoc along the Yukon River and the southern section of the trail. Folks dependent on air travel are sitting in Iditarod hoping the persistent snow will cease and visibility will improve to allow the IAF access to the …

Stopping in Checkpoints

Paws Along the Trail with Stops Being at the checkpoints, seeing the teams arrive and leave is a great inside view.  Some of the things mushers do when they stop in a checkpoint follows:  Take off their dogs’ booties Spread out straw for the dogs to rest upon Talk with the vet as he/she checks …