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Rainy Pass 2pm

1PM Finger Lake Lance Mackey just checked in and eventually got his dogs on the trail after dodging about a 100 tourists (no exaggeration) that had flown into Rainy Pass Lodge to watch the race.   The Iditarod sets up in one of the lodge cabins which has windows on three sides so we were all …


Rainy Pass 10AM

Just landed at Rainy Pass and astounded to learn that Martin Buser is in to Rohn at 9 53AM after about twenty hours on the trail.  Meanwhile, his second team piloted by Matt Failor is also on the trail to Rohn, maybe three hours back.  However, Matt started 66 and Martin started 2nd.  When times …


Happy Trails Kennel on the Go!

Two Teams are on the way to ROHN. Yes ROHN. Never mind, one is almost there. Martin Buser. Matt Failor who just came of a Yukon Quest Finish, is running the second string for Happy Trails Kennel. And Matt, who nursed a small team of another kennel to a respectable Quest finish was all smiles …


7 am finger lake

7AM Finger Lake—-Buser continues to lead It’s a wild morning for mushing fans.  Jeff King, the 4x champ is widely regarded this year as a clear favorite.  He is just to arrive in Finger Lake after taking an obvious rest totaling about 5 hours. Meanwhile, Martin Buser has just gone through Rainy Pass Checkpoint, scarcely …


Finger Lake 4 44 AM

Finger Lake, 4;45 Am A Flurry of activity with three mushers in and out.  Lance Mackey in about 4 19 Am ,Matt Failor (driving an adult second team from the Buser kennel) and Jason Mackey 4 37 am.   Lance was all business and went directly through the checkpoint, stopping just long enough to grab straw.  …


Finger 1:33am arrival of Martin Buser

Finger 1;33 AM arrival of Martin Buser Martin Buser arrived Finger Lake at 1;33AM and then departed at 2;00AM confounding race fans trying to unravel a very unconventional strategy. It was noted that Lynwood Fiedler made the same run from Willow to Finger in 2011 and then settled here for a long rest.  Martin’s team …


The run to Skwetna—early leaders—what happens next?

Willow Restart—Musher Field on Trail—Strategy for the Evening Update:  Bruce Lee (Insider commentator), me, and a couple of camera guys from the Insider crew left Willow and arrived Finger Lake about 6PM.  Bruce is my neighbor and my good friend for 25 years, so we have been talking about this first run all winter.  Bruce …

Eye on the Trail – Lights, Camera, Action!

Sunday March 3rd and one might think all the action is taking place on Willow Lake in preparation for the restart at 14:00. True, there’s been plenty going on there since well before sunrise but there’s plenty of action in every checkpoint on this side of the Alaska Range. Being part of the communications team …

Allen Moore in Willow

Fresh of a win at the Yukon Quest Allen Moore is in the Iditarod but Aliy Zirkle his wife gets the “A” team!


Happy faces at the Ceremonial Start! Ready let´s GO!

Well another big stepping stone for the 2013 Iditarod Mushers is done. The Ceremonial Start. And boy did it go smooth. The weather played dirty for us photographers with it being foggy, but sunny only a few miles out, worse off, the fog lifting about half an hour after the last team had left. Good …