Matt Hayashida
Hometown: Willow, AlaskaWebsite: http://www.rubiconkennels.com
There are no records for this musher during the 2011 race.
Matt Hayashida, 34, was born in Massachusetts and worked in Wyoming for three years as a river/fishing guide and a dog sled tour guide. He began mushing in 1993 and knew he wanted to run the Iditarod the first time he stepped on the runners. Matt came to Alaska in 1993 to work with Martin Buser. He says, “For the last six years I have run dogs almost year round. I make my living as a sled tour guide on a glacier in the summer.” He and his wife, Sarah, have raised all the dogs on their team from puppyhood, using the best bloodlines and they are proud to have them compete in the Iditarod. Matt and Sarah, are the parents of Lily, age 1.