Justin Olnes

Bib Number: 29
Hometown: Fairbanks, Alaska


I’m from Boise, Idaho and moved to Fairbanks in 2013 to pursue a graduate degree in Wildlife Biology. My Ph.D. advisor had a beautiful trapline dog team, and working with them inspired me to start building my own team. In 2021 I met my wife, Kailyn, and we established ReRun Kennel. We strive to give rescue dogs a second chance; 75% of the dogs in our kennel are from the local shelter and other rescues around the state, many of whom will make up my Iditarod team.

I’m grateful for the support of my family, my colleagues at the Alaska Department of Fish and Game and all the amazing people and businesses that have supported our kennel mission.


FirstMate Pet Foods
Pretty Pawz Grooming
Aurora Animal Hospital
Big Dans Trucking and Pet Food

2025 Standings

Checkpoint Time In Dogs In Time Out Dogs Out Rest Time Previous Layover Status Distance
Enroute Time Speed (mph) 8hr 24hr
Fairbanks 3/03 11:54:00 16
Nenana 3/03 17:54:00 16 3/03 22:32:00 16 4h 38m 6h 0m
Manley 3/04 13:57:00 16 3/04 19:50:00 15 5h 53m 15h 25m 5.51 85
Tanana 3/05 08:52:00 15 3/05 17:08:00 15 8h 16m 13h 2m 4.99 65