News and Information
Lance Mackey, often referred to as the peoples champion, will be honored by the Iditarod Nation during the 11 mile Ceremonial run from 4th Avenue to Campbell Airstrip. A member of his family, wearing bib #1, will occupy the sled of Jr. Iditarod Champion, Emily Robinson gliding through the streets of Anchorage lined with thousands …
Race week is hectic or perhaps even chaotic but it’s organized and it’s exciting to be a part of. There is plenty to keep race fans busy during the week and it might include taking a turn on a Ferris wheel. For me, Iditarod begins on the last Saturday of February. Wait, wait you say! …
The final three rookie mushers you’ll meet in this segment have all called the lower 48 home. Jennifer LaBar grew up in Tennesse while Greg and Bailey Vitello currently reside in Milan, New Hampshire. LaBar has since moved to Healy, Alaska. Jennifer LaBar has hiked 1,000 miles on the Appalachian Trail and is now ready …
The three Iditarod rookies introduced in this segment of Rookie Review include Jed Stephensen who lives in Idaho, Eddie Burke Jr. who grew up in anchorage and Hunter Keefe from Michigan. all live in the lower 48. Jed Stephensen who lives with his wife and twin sons in Sandpoint, Idaho, grew up in Germany where …
The three mushers featured in this part of Rookie review were also rookies in 2022. KattiJo Deeter, Gerhart Thiart and Bridgett Watkins were three of the six mushers who were forced to scratch due to the infamous Blow Hole storm. But they are back to attend to unfished business and achieve their goal of standing …
Just like the first Saturday of March signifies the start of Iditarod, the first Saturday of February signifies the start of the Yukon Quest. In the past, Iditarod and the Quest were both 1,000 miles long. Over the years, Eye on the Trail has written an annual story applauding the efforts of the teams running …
The first few sentences of the 51st Chapter of the book of Iditarod were written on Saturday June 25th at the Musher Sign-up and Volunteer Picnic. It’s a gala annual event held the final Saturday of June to thank the throng of volunteers who make the race happen and welcome mushers as they commit to …
Each year teachers from around the world apply for the Iditarod Teacher on the Trail position. The process is long and complex starting with a portfolio submission, due December 1, which includes showcase lessons, experiences and background that are helpful to performing the tasks of the Teacher on the Trail, letters of support from districts …
We are happy to provide you with contact information of mushers agreeing to receive letters from students. If you are writing to mushers, please follow the instructions below. We only send contact information to educators who are needing the contact information for educational purposes. We do not release email information for mushers. We do not …
By Greg Closter DVM, Alaska SPCA Specific vaccination requirements have been established for all dogs racing in the Iditarod. As stated in Rule 40: All dogs entered in the race must be current on their vaccinations for distemper/hepatitis/lepto/parvo/parainfluenza (DHLPP), rabies, and injectable, nasal, or oral bordetella. Bordetella is often referred to as “kennel cough”. While …