Dallas Seavey has made it to Shaktoolik. He is leading the race. He arrived at 00.37 with 12 dogs. They look solid. Some of them barking for more. Light snow outside. It must be a real pleasure for Dallas to drive that team. They simply look great!
Aaron has left 1.5 hrs behind him. I assume he will run about half an hour slower. That should put him into Shak about 2 hrs behind. Then it depends on how much time he will spend here to load up with dog food and hot water.
I assume Dallas will rest anywhere between 3 and 4 hrs. I did this long run from Unk to Koyuk back in 2009 in one shot. It was loooonnnggg , very long…. On the upside ( for both teams ): The wind has some mercy right now.
Mitch has squeezed by Aliy Zirkle with only stopping long enough to grab some supplies. Both have left the checkpoint within a few minutes each other.
What else is happening behind the leader? Jessie Royer, Joar Leifseth Ulsom and Peter Kaiser have done a strong push into Unalakleet.Now they are hot on the heels of Jeff King. He better watches over his shoulder for each one of them. Young and ambitious they are, and driving fast teams.
Time for a nap again. 2 more pics: