Evening howl in Takotna

With all the commotion going on the dog yard, the dogs know that it is go time soon!

They are howling up a storm. It is go time for the front runners soon. Brent Sass got into Cripple after an 11hr and 19 minute run. He can leave at 22.22 tomorrow night ( if my late evening math skills are hight )

Lets play a number game here. If Jessie takes 2hr 45 to Ophir and 10.45 to Cripple ( I think the trail will set up a little better for the teams leaving now during the cold night ) with a 4.5 hr rest along the way ( total time from Takotna 18 hrs )  she COULD get there at 18.00 tomorrow night. I can see her breaking up the run to Ruby into 3 even runs and going through Cripple, camping on the way to Ruby. That should make for a very tight race by Ruby. 


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