Frosty morning here. Hugh is normally not bothered much by weather, but he muttered.”Man 45 below again on the river. When is it going to warm up?” You do not hear a tough Yukon Quest musher like him talk about the weather very often.
It is hard on the mushers, day in day out in the cold. His dogs were headed for the straw quickly. Iditarod musher Karen Ramstead was holding down Hugh’s brake while he checked in and was joking, “This is my puppies temperature, I would not mind being on a dogsled right now”. I guess she has not completely shed the addiction yet.
Not much activity going on with the other 3 teams which are resting here. Dogs curled up under fleece blankets and straw while the sun finds its way above the horizon. It looks like Mitch left with his dogs only and forgot to take his sled (he had a new one waiting here).
Happy trails, more Hugh and checkpoint pictures below.