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Close Competitors!

Dear Friends, We have a new Iditarod champion this morning!  Thomas Waerner of Norway finished in Nome after 9 days, 10 hours, 37 minutes, and 47 seconds!  Congratulations to K2 and Bark, his leaders, who led him all the way! It should be an exciting day in Nome.  There is a long line of close …


A few more pictures from Nulato

The snow is coming down pretty good. Wet stuff, not really accumulating. We are VERY fortunate to not have any wind where the teams are parked on the Yukon River. Ramey Smyth was wondering if it is going to continue to be this wet. Well, according to the weather man, it should let off sometime …


Early Afternoon Update from Takotna

Hello Iditarod Race Fans, here a few pictures from around the dog yard in Takotna. Mushers are busy feeding their teams, massaging and taking dogs for leash walks. Not only does that give a musher a visual of how the dogs is moving, it helps prevent stiffness. Teams resting here are real lucky with sunny …

Settling In

                                                                                         Hello friends, Day 2 of the race and teams are settling …

2020 Mushers

Dear Girls and Boys, The 2020 Iditarod mushers are on the trail now with their dog teams!  Who are they?  Look at the pattern of numbers!  (Thanks to Eye on the Trail reporter, Terrie Hanke, for this interesting  info!) 12 rookies (never run the Iditarod before) and 45 veterans (have run at least once) 12 …


Update from Willow pre Race night

Hello iditarod Race Fans. The Ceremonial Start went off without a hitch, at least without any major hitches. Matt Failor’s dog truck had a little meeting with the ditch, Zoya Denure’s gangline did not not make it in the trailer, Jason Campeau’s starting bib was missing for a while….. In the end everybody made it …

Start order set for Iditarod XLVIII

The largest fundraiser for the Iditarod Trail Committee drew more than 1,500 people to the Dena’ina Civic & Convention Center tonight. The annual Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race Mushers Banquet is a lively night where mushers meet with the fans and draw for their official start order for the nearly 1,000-mile journey to Nome. The …


Iditarod Friday, the calm before the storm

Hello Race Fans, Friday before the Ceremonial Start is the calm before the storm. And storm it already is, depending on where you are located in this big state. While Mushers are busy with last minute preparations, the Iditarod Air Force is out trying to get race personal into the early checkpoints. Planes are taking …

Eye on the Trail – Joanne Potts Honored by Mushers

Upon completion of the Iditarod, rookie mushers receive the coveted finisher’s belt buckle.  Joanne Potts received a 1975 finisher’s buckle at the 2020 Musher’s banquet.  Aaron Burmeister brought Potts to the stage having her draw his starting position from the mukluk then presented her with the finisher’s belt buckle.  Retirement and Joanne Potts just don’t …


Vet Check time

Good morning Iditarod Fans. It is Vet Check time. The ITC headquarters is a busy place today with many teams having their mandatory Pre Race Vet Checks performed today. Veteran Mushers also have the choice of having these done ” at home ” at their ” house vet ” who they routinely work with. There …