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Teams on the Move into Mc Grath, Sonny Lindner Out Front

Below are some shots of the teams which are headed towards McGrath. Aaron Burmeister Aaron Burmeister Aaron Burmeister Aaron Burmeister Nicolas Petit Nicolas Petit Nicolas Petit Nicolas Petit Jeff King Jeff King Hugh Neff Hugh Neff was not a happy camper, lost his runner plastic…. ran on aluminum  Hugh Neff Hugh Neff Hugh Neff Hugh …

Zoom Lens: Catching Up

How crazy is it that you can be right in the middle of all the Iditarod action but not know what’s happening along the trail? I’ve worked as a communications specialist at Skwentna Checkpoint for eight years and the same has been true for all eight years. The race runs through the checkpoint sitting below …


March 4—10:40am—Teams Set to Depart Nikolai while Buser Rests 24 hrs

The math of the Iditarod once again coalesces into an abstruse blob of dog kibble and chicken fat.  Who’s the leader?  Buser is in front but pulls up early in Nikolai for his mandatory 24, but Petit and Sonny Lindner (still driving 16 dogs, a comment on his strategy for avoiding disaster down further), to …

Eye on the Trail: Catching Up

How ironic is it that you can be right in the middle of all the Iditarod action but not know what’s happening along the trail? I’ve worked as a communications specialist at Skwentna Checkpoint for eight years and the same has been true for all eight years. The race runs through the checkpoint sitting below …


March 4—Nikolai—Martin Conquers Trail into Nikolai 1:08 am

Martin Buser arrived in Nikolai at about 1:08am (check for the official time using the Insider tools) and survived, conquered, compromised, negotiated a historically difficult trail from Rainy Pass, through the notorious Dalzell (even in a good year the Dalzell takes a toll), exited Rohn to a completely snowless, barren trail Martin described as the …


March 3—9pm—We Wait for Buser in Nikolai

Following the race has certain logistical considerations.  Our Insider camera crew follows the race by snowmachine and tonight will try to capture images of the front pack moving from Rohn checkpoint to Nikolai, where we normally expect a first arrival about 8am  (Martin Buser might surprise us earlier in the morning.)  The problem with this …


March 3—2:54PM–38f in shade—Seavey in Rainy–Buser out of Rohn

The sky is cloudless, the sun intense, and the thermometer in the shade of our temporary headquarters at Rainy Pass lodge reads 38F.  Very warm, not usual, generally ccepted as not a good time to run dogs, rather, wait for the evening cool is always the accepted advice.   Schedules usually try to put run …


March 3—11 am—-Rainy Pass

Readers using the wonderful tracking tools at the Insider can instantly understand the big spread in competitors.  As I  post, Buser is ahead into Rohn while Mitch Seavey the Older  is just approaching Rainy Pass, an obvious testament to the difference in opinion of our top mushers.  Here in Rainy Pass, in the middle of …


Rainy Pass– Martin Buser and Mike Williams Jr Left

The field is definitely already spreading far apart. This is another year where new schedules are tried. Pushing the envelope early for some teams. While Newton Marshall still is in Skwentna, the first teams are approaching Rohn. If Nicolas Petit and Kelly Maixner have an uneventful run over there, they are sure set up on …


The Push to Rohn

Hugh Neff is just dropping onto Puntilla Lake as I type this and upload some pictures. While Martin Buser, Mike Williams and Aliy Zirkle ( Early Zirkle ) are resting in Rainy. Kelly Maixner is the surprise leader at this point, closely followed by Nick Petit. Nick himself was one of those surprise front runners …