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All Teams on Northern Route

by Terrie Hanke The final four racers have all made the right hand turn at Ophir to run the Northern Route to the Yukon.  Matt Failor and Dan Seavey departed Ophir on 3/9 at 21:15 and 22:16 respectively. Jan Steves and Bob Chlupach pulled out of Ophir in the early morning hours of Saturday March …

TRAIL NOTES from Bruce Lee on the Yukon

I just left Ruby where most of the teams are now taking their mandatory 8 hour break .  If you aren’t familiar with the Iditarod rules, each team must take an eight hour break at the checkpoint of their choice, somewhere along the Yukon River.  Two favorite places to take this break historically have been Ruby and Kaltag. This …


Noon in Ruby, King and Burmeister remain in the game by Joe Runyan

12 NOON FRIDAY , RUBY,  Flash report—Burmeister, King, Jonrowe modify fan’s predictions This late morning in Ruby, the arrival of some exceptionally zippy teams parked near our three leaders of the pack, namely John Baker, Mitch Seavey, and Dallas Seavey impressed bystanders. Although they remain ignored two hours behind the leaders, Aaron Burmeister, Dee Jonrowe …

Trail notes from Bruce Lee Heading to the Yukon River

Covering a lot of miles of the Iditarod trail today, I started the morning at the Takotna checkpoint watching the front teams pull out after their 24 hour layover. All of the top teams without exception looked revved up to go and in great condition. Of particular notice were Mitch Seavey’s, Aliy Zirkles’s, Dallas Seavey’s, …


7pm Ruby–gateway to the Yukon—waiting for arrival of lead pack—Seavey holds court by Joe Runyan

7PM Ruby—Gateway to the Yukon—Waiting for arrival of lead pack—Seavey Holds Court Our crew has now been shuttled to Ruby, where we wait the arrival of the lead pack.  Here’s the challenge.  From the air it’s easy to see that the trail departing the very remote checkpoint of Cripple heads more or less north for …


`Wed Taktona, then to Cripple by Joe Runyan

5PM Cripple checkpoint—We land in a pillow of new snow, wait for the Pack Part of the Insider Crew departs for Cripple, the very remote checkpoint which communicates Ophir with the village of Ruby on the Yukon.  First, a description of the now more rested front runners we left in Takotna.   Just before departure, Andy …

Trail notes from Bruce Lee at Takotna Central

Teams were rolling into the Takotna checkpoint all night as the front runners hit this section of the Iditarod trail. Most have decided to declare their 24 hour layover here as this checkpoint is in an ideal location to benefit from a long rest.The teams have just come off of a long push from the …


1AM Wed—Takotna—Mushers Rest in Takotna for 24 Hour Mandatory – By Joe Runyan

1am Wednesday in Takotna—Pack settles for 24 hour Mandatory break Aliy Zirkle continues to maintain steady pace into Takotna, followed by a determined (dogged) group of front runners. The scene in Takotna Since we have internet in Takotna, we are able watch the little green dots approach our vantage, noting Zirkle in the lead.  This …

Jeff King 4th In

He may have taken a year off but 4-time Iditarod Champion Jeff King remains in contention. He was the 4th team to arrive early this morning when he hit Takotna at 12:14 a.m., 44 minutes behind the leader Aliy Zirkle.

Bruce Lee in Takotna

Bruce Lee was there tonight when Aliy Zirkle arrived in Takotna.