Musher Details

Max Hall
Hometown: Manchester, UKWebsite:
There are no records for this musher during the 1999 race.
Max Hall, 55, was born and raised in England. He attended Liverpool University. For 35 years, he has been the company director of a machinery supply company. He says, “Joe Redington inflicted me with Iditarod Fever in 1992 when I first visited the Race Start as a tourist. I ran to Nome with his first Challenge in 1993.” He came back, then, to run the Iditarod in 1995. “For some unknown reason, I am returning in 2006 after having told my wife, Lena, every time that this would be the last. It’s a disease – at 55, I should know better! But I’ve missed it the last six years.” A member of the IOFC, a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society and a Fellow of the Institute of Sheet Metal Engineers, Max says he enjoys dogs and travel.
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