Musher Details

2007 Iditarod » Mushers » William Kleedehn

William Kleedehn

Hometown: Carcross, Yukon Territory, CANADA


William Kleedehn was born in Germany in 1959. In 1981 he came to Canada to start a new life and adventure after a bad traffic accident that made life in Germany boring. He says, “Life was especially boring after I read in our local newspaper how close Rick Swenson lost to Dick Mackey in the 1978 Iditarod. I began mushing in 1983 and racing sled dogs a few years later. I now live near Carcross, Yukon Territory surrounded by mountains and sled dogs with my boys Tim, 16, and Logan, 15. I rent cabins and am a tourist operator as well as a dog musher. I entered the Iditarod because it’s about time!” Kleedhan’s hobbies are hunting, fishing, photography and outdoor stuff.


Redpaw Feed
Nuway Crushing LTC, YT CANADA
Tags Food and Gas, YT CANADA
Rose Coleman, CA