march 14 2:13 Mitch on track for 7 1/2 hr run to finish


OUr insider techs race Mitch to get ready for his early appearance in Nome

Mitch Seavey and team on fire from White Mountain to Nome.  He’s already on a giant ride having covered the 55 miles from Nome to Saftey Roadhouse in five hours 33 minutes.  If he keeps up that pace he will arrive here in Nome with a time of around 7 1/2 hours.   At ten miles an hour, Mitch is driving a freight train.

a photo I took as we approached Nome —-the trail take a straight line with the Bering sea beach after descending top kok hill

a nome city road grader hustles to spread snow on front street for race leader Mitch Seavey

Be sure to check out our live coverage of the finish at the Insider.