Although it applies to thousands of Iditarod mushers, only the designer of this Official Iditarod Finisher’s license plate can lay claim to it. Fred Agree, of Homer, Alaska made his way to the volunteer picnic this year, and I was fortunate enough to make a connection with him to get this story that some …
Summer is ticking along and kids have all kinds of activities going on, but there are always those moments for relaxing, filling time between the water park and the summer movie series, and riding in the car to the next great vacation destination. Or use reading goals to incentivize reading for your student; they will …
As all other Teachers on the Trail, I find it impossible to hone the experiences down to one most memorable, but I have relayed this particular moment many times since my time on the trail in 2008, and it still stands out to me as an incredible opportunity. It happened in the checkpoint of McGrath. …
On February 7, the Iditarod Education Department launched the new digital version of a favorite Iditarod classroom activity, an Iditaread. Embracing technology and realizing the need for virtual and digital tools for learning, the education department and our technology partners developed version 1 of the IditaRead Digital. And you, our Iditarod teachers, responded immediately and …
The Insider as an Instructional Tool The mushers are off the trail once again, demonstrating incredible skill, courage, and perseverance. What does it take to be a musher? You might hear folks talk about dogs, sleds, equipment, etc. but it’s what is inside that mushers need to draw on to run the Iditarod. They need: …
Ok race fans – Starting March 4 – the EDU will be fervently previewing any and all Insider clips for content you will want to show in your classroom. Different than past months, clips will be continuously added to this post with a brief description and how you can use it in your classroom. This …
Iditarod PE Challenge Hey amazing teachers, check out this PE unit that was designed for virtual education by Alaska teacher and prior Iditarod Teacher on the Trail Finalist Lisa Wiley. Let the enthusiasm of the mushers and sled dogs inspire your students to complete all the Iditarod PE Challenges while they learn about the trail …
If you are using the new digitized IditaRead program, you are familiar with GIA, the IditaRead mascot. We thought you might want to offer your students a GIA coloring page, or maybe you want to use GIA for glyph activities or for tracking mushers. Use these Iditarod huskies to motivate your students to do more …
This is a general conference schedule. Learn more and register here: 2022 Winter Educators Conference Learn about the specific speakers and sessions here: 2022 Winter Conference Speaker Highlights Monday, February 28 Arrive in Alaska, get checked into your hotel, and rest up for some very busy days ahead. Tuesday, March 1 9 a.m. – …
Always a favorite, Idita-read projects motivate students to read more, read more often, and keep reading! Now your students can travel the Iditarod Trail race route as they achieve reading goals just as they watch the mushers move along the race route. Teachers work with students to set individualized reading goals. As students reach each …