Teachers from around the world apply for the Iditarod Teacher on the Trail position. What is that like, exactly? The process is long and complex starting with a portfolio submission, due December 1, which includes showcase lessons, experiences and background that are helpful to performing the tasks of the Teacher on the Trail, letters of …
February 27 – Tuesday Lakefront Hotel 3rd floor Spenard room 8 a.m. breakfast (provided) /check in 8:45 a.m. Jane Holmes, Education Director Welcome: staff introductions, UAA credit options, I.C.E. information 9:30 – 10:15 a.m. 2024 Iditarod Teacher on the Trail Kate Newmyer 10:15 – 11:00 a.m. 2014 Teacher on the Trail Erin Montgomery “AI and …
Calling all classrooms! Our students are the biggest fans and supporters of the race especially of the dogs! The Iditarod Return Dog Team is in need of 300 fleece dog blankets to be used at checkpoints AND to have on hand for dogs returned to Anchorage during the race. While the dogs are being cared …
Updated speaker and schedule information. Learn how to harness the power of the Iditarod and sled dog racing to increase student engagement and drive in your classroom. Add new gear to your classroom sled bag. Broaden your repertoire of Iditarod lessons in a multitude of content areas and across a wide range of age and …
The Iditarod Education Department continues to partner with the Idaho Sled Dog Challenge, an Iditarod qualifier, in developing captivating STEM curriculum tied to both races. Iditarod Teachers on the Trail™️ Jim Deprez (21-22), Heidi Sloan (2018), and Erin Montgomery (2015) will share research based STEM lessons you can use immediately in your classroom. The Idaho …
Learn how to harness the power of the Iditarod and sled dog racing to increase student engagement and drive in your classroom. Add new gear to your classroom sled bag. Broaden your repertoire of Iditarod-themed lessons in a multitude of content areas and across a wide range of age and grade levels. This professional development …
Fall brings images of football and many folks are drafting their fantasy football teams. But kids would much rather have a fantasy Iditarod team – 16 team members, 8 positions, 64 paws on the ground!! Use this updated Fantasy Dog Draft Lesson from Jen Reiter, 2014 Teacher on the Trail now – or wait until …
Due to warm weather, 2003 was the first year the Iditarod Race started in Fairbanks, Alaska. My memorable checkpoint was Manley Hot Springs. My pilot dropped me off and I went exploring, talking to mushers and vets. I met Raymie, Barbara Redington and their young son, Ryan. They gave me a lift to the Manley …
“Which checkpoint was your favorite?” is a question I have been asked over and over and over since I served as the 2014 Iditarod Teacher on the TrailTM. And like every good teacher, I try never to name a favorite. I’ve never had a favorite student, I’ve never named a favorite checkpoint. Each checkpoint I …
Why did I choose Grayling of all the experiences I had during the race in 2001? I had several memorable experiences there. The first was the weather. The race in 2001 was the warmest it had ever been (but there have been several warmer races since). However, at Grayling on the Yukon River it was …