March 15 9:16 am Ray Redington Jr into Nome
March 15 9:16 am Ray Redington Jr into Nome Joe Runyan Fans mill around the finish chute in Nome, a steady breeze off the sea,
March 15 9:16 am Ray Redington Jr into Nome Joe Runyan Fans mill around the finish chute in Nome, a steady breeze off the sea,
Anyone following the marvelous tracker tool at the Insider can follow the action on the trail with Dallas seavey and Nic Petit, and I’ll do
Flash Mitch Seavey and team on fire from White Mountain to Nome. He’s already on a giant ride having covered the 55 miles from Nome
March 14 8:36am Mitch Seavey departs Wht. Mtn with ELEVEN on the Tow Line Joe Runyan Mitch Seavey quietly booted his team of eleven and
A race between 2nd and 3rd could be a powerful sub-plot to Mitch Seavey’s dominant guard of 1st place. Dallas Seavey and ten dogs
March 14 12:46am Mitch Seavey first to White Mtn. Mitch Seavey steam rolled into White MOuntain checkpoint, 77 miles from the Nome finish, at 11:36pm
March 13 12:14 pm Koyuk Dallas Seavey blows checkpoint, leap frogs Petit Dallas Seavey, with the gift of youth, appeared alert and collected as
Nicolas Petit arrived Koyuk checkpoint with 13 on the towline. Checkpoint handlers offered to help park the strongly trotting team, but Nick waved his hand,”NO
March 13 7:05am Koyuk Mitch continues to Guard Lead Joe Runyan Despite thrusts and parries by Dallas Seavey, NIc Petit, and Joar Ulsom, Mitch Seavies
March 12 8:18pm KOYUK Mitch Seavey leads on the Bering Sea Coast Joe Runyan Low visibility prevents landing in Unalakleet to greet Mitch Seavey and
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